in Danish
Again this year eCapacity consultants from both the UK and DK office attended the Adobe Summit in London to get inspired and spot the latest trends in data-driven digital commerce.
1. Make experience your business
The main message from Adobe this year was to make experience your business – to make your business an experience for the customers throughout the entire customer journey, across all touchpoints on all devices.
It’s not just about the product or the service, but everything around it.
The most boring thing you can do on your smartphone is to make a call. Soon, the most boring thing you can do in a car is to drive it.
How do you make your business a unified experience which delights the user at every turn?
That was the main question from Adobe at the opening keynote. And experience is a high priority for Adobe.
They have even re-arranged their entire product line into an experience cloud, with integration between all products, to make it easy for the marketers to create a unified customer experience across all platforms.
And apologies for the picture quality. It was a really big stage this year with over 6000 attendees:
2. Know your customers individually
BMW has a goal: 100 million identified customers in 2025.
They know a lot about the cars and they want to know the people who are driving them, when leasing, renting by the hour and time-share cars are becoming more popular.
Segments does not work in one-to-one personalization. You must know each customer individually.
You need a single source of truth and be able to leverage that knowledge in real-time across all platforms, both online and offline.
3. Context is the starting line, design for speed and scale
The personalized user experience needs to happen in the right context.
You need to be able to deliver the right message or content to the user at exactly the right millisecond to be successful.
You need to be able to analyze the current behavior for context, identify the customer for relevancy and deliver the device-optimized message in real-time.
And do this across a global online platform many times every second.
4. Machine learning to leverage analytics data in real-time
One-to-one personalized customer experience cannot be prepared.
It needs to happen in real-time, which can’t be done manually at scale.
You need machine learning!
Machine learning to constantly analyze and learn from previous visitors and leverage that knowledge to engage current visitors.
You can identify the behavior of converting users and use that knowledge to only focus your retargeting campaign on the users who are most likely to convert. With a conversion rate of 2% you are wasting 98% of your budget on visitors who are not going to convert.
Use machine learning to identify valuable users at scale and focus on them.
5. Digital commerce is an escalator moving towards you
If you are not moving forwards you are moving backwards.
Digital commerce does not have a finish line. You need to constantly improve your capabilities today, to be able to provide the unique customer experience of tomorrow. Think big, start small, move fast.
6. From mobile first to mobile only
The customer does not want to be mobile first, they want to be mobile only.
Every device and every channel you are engaging your customers on, need to be able to stand on its own, while also letting the user transition seamless between channels and devices.
Adidas showed Glitch which is the first 100% digital product from Adidas. It is a customizable two-part football boot which can only be purchased via the Glitch app and is delivered within 2 hours of purchase in London.
But omni-channel consistency is tough. SKY has made an easy-to-understand mapping of every customer action and all channels/devices which shows the usage of each combination and the ones that is not yet possible.
7. Self-serving is the key to scaling your business
Customers want to service themselves and that is the key to scaling your business.
Why have the customers wait in line on the phone if they can self-service online using the channel they prefer, even facebook Messenger?
The digital business makes it possible – make it possible for your customers.
T-Mobile has a mantra: There is nothing we can do for our customers that they cannot do for themselves!
Social networking and good times
Adobe Summit is as much about getting together with friends and colleagues talking about data-driven digital commerce, as it is about the keynotes and breakout sessions and this year was no exception.
Thanks for another great inspiring Summit, Adobe!
eCapacity has a long experience working with the Adobe platform – both in terms of ongoing Analytics/deep dives, enterprise analytics implementation and optimization/personalization for clients like Sky, Telenor, Alka, TV2, TDC, YouSee and Pandora etc. If your company need assistance with the Adobe platform for optimizing customer experience or business performance etc., please contact Andreas Petersson on +45 51 71 43 63 or
in Danish