Case: Optimera
in Danish
Multi-channel strategy as a growth engine in Optimera
Optimera is part of the worldwide group Saint-Gobain, dealing in building materials for the commercial market through a number of regional stores.
Saint-Gobain wanted to expand the Optimera division by activating the business potential in the market through an ambitious multi-channel strategy.
Optimera will go nationwide with the launch of their new digital channel, expanding the business to cover both BtB and BtC. At the same time, Optimera’s desired quality and service profile is strengthened across sales channels.
Optimera online shop – from strategy to market launch
Saint-Gobain decided to work with eCapacity on developing an online and multi-channel strategy which was to form the basis for investment in the new channel.
When the strategic framework was in place, eCapacity were involved as consultants in the subsequent implementation project, which initially focused on developing the final concept formulation and completion of tendering and selecting providers to the e-commerce platform.
In the months leading up to the launch of the online shop, eCapacity’s senior consultants were some of the driving forces and managed the development project, as well as preparing the assortment and maturation of the organisation.
Before the end of the year the first version of the shop was ready and had nationwide delivery of construction materials for residential customers.
“eCapacity has been a great help in the planning process and implementation of this important strategic project for Optimera. We now have the platform that we wanted and a platform to build on in the years to come. I’m sure it will help Optimera to the desired position as a really good construction market.”
– Anita Eckardt, Marketing Director of Saint-Gobain Distribution Denmark
eCapacity have contributed to the implementation of the project in the following areas:
1: Strategy and business case
Developing an online strategy, a concept and a detailed business plan based on Saint-Gobain’s overall business strategy. Preparation of business case, success criteria and KPIs.
2: Contract terms and supplier selection
Based on eCapacity’s process and model for public tenders, tender documents were drafted. These were based on a detailed needs analysis and the concept of the online shop, implementation of the procurement process, pre-qualification and recommendation of the IA/design supplier and technical web platform. eCapacity also negotiated contracts with suppliers.
3: Project management and coordination
eCapacity’s consultants acted as Optimera’s project managers in the implementation of the project. The project management has covered supplier management for the e-commerce development project and also coordination with the internal IT function and logistics, for example.
eCapacity has also contributed to establish the assortment range, the enrichment of product data and more.
Furthermore, eCapacity has acted as advisor from strategic planning to the implementation of the first phase of the strategy.
in Danish