co-MD, Strategy

in Danish


Carsten Pingel works with management consulting specializing in digital strategy and business development. At the same time, Carsten is one of the most experienced eCommerce profiles in the Nordics. He has extensive experience in developing and conducting digital business and ensures solid established strategy plans with his ability to tie strategic priorities and execution together.
Carsten advises customers based on his experience in growing and optimizing eCommerce business, doing commercial due diligence at eCommerce companies and his central role and experience with digital transformation and growth agendas from large coprporations. He also advises in cases of purchase and sale of digital companies based on his general experience within M&A and provides executive sparring.


For a number of years, Carsten has worked in the media group Egmont with digital transformation and the building of a high-growth ecommerce business and previously with business development and strategy at Copenhagen Airports.
Previously, Carsten has also held several board positions in high growth ecommerce companies, among others. and


in Danish